My dad once said, “You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl!" He was right. While Amsterdam & NYC are two of my favorite cities on earth, at heart I’m a back roads kind of gal! I long to live off the beaten path where my sensitive soul is nourished deeply by nature and I can luxuriate in the quiet open spaces. And yes, I love country music!
English, Art & Psychology were my favorite subjects in school. During my senior year, my psych teacher created something called “The Panel”. He hand selected a handful of students who were struggling with something personal. We then went to the next town over and shared our stories with their school. The feedback was life changing. It was my first experience with the power of sharing my personal story, and the healing that comes when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with our peers. It was a major steppingstone in my awakening process, and undoubtedly planted a seed for the work I do today.
My top five Strengthfinders strengths are Relator, Empathy, Connectedness, Intellection and Input. These strengths all point to me being excellent at creating safe and sacred space for others to be seen and heard, and definitely play a role in my business success!
I’m an INFJ, which is rare (less that 1% of the entire population). I am highly sensitive and empathic, with BIG FEELS, and my soul literally craves/demands alone time. Creating a life that balances my needs in a way that also works for my family and the needs of my business is something I am deeply committed to.
A sweet luxury, and one way I nourish myself, is stealing away for an hour from my busy day to take a hot Epsom salt bath, with candles, essential oils & a little coconut oil.
I am a life long learner. In 1997 I graduated from East West College of Healing Arts, where I studied Massage. During my studies I learned about energy medicine and spiritual healing and never turned back. Over the years, I have attended more healing retreats than I can count. I’ve read hundreds of books on spirituality, bodywork, healing, energy mastery, intuition, etc. I’m a certified Reiki Master, trained in the Usui Tradition, and am also a Master Sufi Teacher and Healer in the Shadhiliyya way, and am currently studying Voice, Sound & Crystal Alchemy Bowl Healing with my client and dear friend, Tryshe Dhevney, deepening my embodiment process with Lawrence Conlan, and continuing to evolve my consciousness with Sat Shree and the New Dharma community!
Both of my boys were born naturally, at home, with the support of their father and our amazing midwife, Alisha Madrone, whom I can't recommend highly enough. I am continually amazed by their unique and vibrant personalities, and feel blessed to be their mom. Each day brings ample opportunities for learning, and personal growth!
I love reading - especially from bed on a lazy Sunday morning, or while lounging poolside somewhere sunny! The Alchemist is my favorite book and I reread it every year on my *birthday. I also love gripping mysteries, novels with a strong dramatic arc, and books about spirituality, personal growth, money mindset & business development.
Like many visionaries, I am also a prolific creator! I have been writing since Jr. High, and have hundreds of notebooks and journals full of my creative musings, artwork, doodles, insights and deep thoughts. I literally never stop thinking, though after nearly 2 decades on a spiritual path, I have mastered the art of quieting the inner "noise"!
I LOVE to travel. Being able to witness the perfection in God’s creation in the heart of people from every corner of the world is deeply humbling, and awe inspiring to me. Someday, I want to take my boys to Morocco, so we can learn about and experience first hand the roots of our spiritual tradition, Sufism, and learn to speak Arabic!
If you relate to any of this and you're feeling the call to jump in with me, I'd love to hear from you!