Your Sacred Work™
Your Visionary Ideas & Intuitive Awareness + A Divinely Designed Roadmap = Manifestation of Your Sacred Work
Dear Emerging Thought Leaders, Healers & Spiritual Entrepreneurs,
It's Your Time to Shine! You’re a highly sensitive human who is deeply committed to BEING and manifesting a life that includes all of you. You are committed to using your voice and sharing your healing gifts to create an inclusive world that works for everyone. You’ve done (and continue to do) your own “inner” work – for you, this is a solid, foundational and non-negotiable aspect of your life. You do this work for yourself with the deep understanding that it is also the cornerstone of you being able to support and serve others in the way you are being called to do. You are also a prolific creator! You’ve got dozens of notebooks and journals filled with your creative ideas, Divine downloads, inspirations and the inner guidance you have received over the years.
These notes are the beginnings of a much larger body of work – Your Sacred Work™. They are bits and pieces of your signature system - your soul medicine, and the very magic you have been cultivating, gathering, sharing and using to help your clients for years. You know it's time to show up with an open heart and share your gifts with the world in a bigger way. But something has stopped you.
As someone who is highly sensitive or empathic, there’s the visibility stuff...
You know, the burned-at-the-stake terror you feel when thinking of putting your ideas out there? Or the angst of being seen as weird, different, or “crazy”, the fear of being attacked by trolls and haters, or your family casting you aside after discovering your “spiritual” viewpoint – one that vastly differs from their traditional beliefs... Or not knowing how to actually put your connection to Source and the Unseen magic of what you do into a cohesive format that others can lean in and say yes to.
Maybe it's the exhaustion and fear of it not working out (again)…
In spite of your commitment, hard work, dedication and sincerity, it seems that things just haven’t ever really come together in the way you had hoped. And not for lack of trying. You've given so much... You've hustled, pushed, and kept going, even when your cup was empty & barren. You've invested 1000's, if not hundred's of thousands of dollars, to learn the hot new strategies from the "it" coaches - all of whom have fallen short, lacked the depth you need and left you feeling frustrated, disheartened and disappointed. And you're tired. Tired of wondering, if you'll ever get it figured out. You're ready to stop questioning and doubting if you’re good enough, smart enough, strong enough, capable enough, to really pull this off.
And then, there’s the money stuff…
No matter how much success you may have had in your life – radiant wealth and true comfort with money - continues to elude you. You’re ready to stop giving yourself away and step into charging prices that are both commensurate with the transformation you provide while providing support for all of your worldly needs.
Transformation & Clarity is possible. And There is a Way Forward. You were born to do this!
Luckily, there comes a point in every Healer’s Journey™, where you finally trust yourself enough to leave behind the fear and move Your Sacred Work™ forward. A time when:
- You get on your knees REAL about coming out of hiding to share your wisdom in a bigger way
- The doubt, fear and overwhelm, no longer outweigh the LONGING to usher forth the work
- You’re done with the never enough “hustle”… and working way harder than you need to, on work that isn’t what you truly feel called to do
- You're ready to get paid for the contribution you are making, without feeling guilty, uncomfortable or shy about it
- You are done pouring your heart out, and not seeing your sincere desire to be of service manifest into the beautiful life you know you were created for
- You hang up the “DIY hat” and invest in getting the support you need to move your business and creative ideas forward
This is exactly why I created Your Sacred Work™.
Your Sacred Work™ is a deep, sacred container where you’ll seen, held & heard by someone who has been doing transformational work for more than 2 decades. I use tools I've gathered from spiritual teachers, healers and mentors from around the world, including Sufism & Spiritual Healing, Massage Therapy, Somatic Awareness and Breath-work, Journaling, Guided Meditations, Prayer & Sacred Chants, Intuition, Energy Medicine, and most recently Voice Training & the magic of the Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls. (I also have over 25 years experience as a business owner, and in spa management, overseeing teams of 40+ people.) I have combined all of my wisdom and innate knowledge to create safe place where you get to be honest about what you truly want, spiritually & financially, so you can finally create space and say YES! to your dreams to manifest.
What's Possible For You?
From a place of sacred connection, we will work closely with Spirit to open your heart to the deep truth of who you are, and will begin moving your business forward in a truly sacred, and financially viable way. We will deepen your spiritual connection, heal old stories and beliefs that keep you stuck, expand your energy, organize your thoughts, energize your ideas, and co-create a grounded, Divinely designed roadmap to move one aspect of your big dream forward. Depending on where you are in your spiritual & business development, working together will support you in:
- Creating a deeper spiritual connection
- Expanding your capacity and energy field
- Experiencing an embodied understanding your innate worth (shifting this changes your relationship with money and any discomfort you have about asking for and receiving money for your services)
- Clearing out disruptive, unconscious patterns that lead to fear, overwhelm and distraction
- Healing old stories of not belonging, being broken or having something inherently wrong with you
- Melting the walls of protection around your heart so you have more access to The Love, the angels and your personal guides
- Overcoming Fears of Visibility that hold you back
As your inner realties begin to shift, you are then able to:
- Clarify and focus your message
- Move one project forward to completion
- Organize your ideas into your signature system, program or retreat
- Create a fresh opt-in gift & email sequence
- Start a Patreon account, podcast, or regular blog that attracts the your divinely-aligned clients
- Launch a new website, or revamp an old one
- Outline your book
- Getting clear on the value of your work and pricing your programs and services accordingly
- etc....
***If you need help with project management, copywriting or editing, or other hands on services, these can be added in for an additional fee.
Your Sacred Work™ is Calling.
Evolve Yourself. Evolve the World.
The magic begins to unfold the moment you say YES!
Investments begin at $4500
Ready to Get Started?
Still Have Questions?
What Others Are Saying
“Jenn, I feel blessed to have found you. I really appreciate your sharp mind married with soulful intuition. You have a rare gift: keen intuitive marketing and sensitive intuitive heart healing, skills that combine to tease out the truest expression of my work. You make the unseen obvious and bring intangibles into form, like going from black and white to 3d color! I look forward to working together more!” -Claire Sierra, MA, Art Therapist and Soul Retreat Guide at
“As a business owner, I’m familiar with hustling. I’ve even learned how to marry my heart and my hustle. But sometimes… I get stuck. Sometimes… I don’t know what’s in the way. That’s where Jenn comes in. Jenn’s ability to tune in, explore your inner world, and re-introduce you to your BEST self is unparalleled. I was blown away in one session. AND sometimes when you do energetic work, you can walk away feeling loopy. After my session with Jenn, I felt calmer, clearer, and more peaceful than I have in months. This inner work, this return to self, is not a luxury. It’s a necessity. From this sacred space, our work unfolds more effortlessly and divinely. Thank you!” -Lisa Steadman